
Living Loved is more than just loving within our own church home. New Life is passionate about serving our local community and beyond!

Serving Brunch at Ronald McDonald House

Twice a month a team from New Life serves prepares and serves brunch for families at 2 local Ronald McDonald Homes. The Ronald McDonald House provides a home base for families who have children currently in the hospital.

If you’re interested in volunteering, fill out the contact form below.

Second Sundays at 9am – Ronald McDonald House of Chapel Hill

Third Sundays at 9am – Ronald McDonald House of Durham & Wake Counties

New Orleans Mission Trip

Every summer our youth travel down to New Orleans to team up and rebuild homes and other locations still suffering from the damage of Hurricane Katrina.

In 2017, our team helped to rebuild several homes as well as prepare a local elementary school for the coming school year.

If you or a teen in your family are interested in serving Summer 2018, contact us!

Want to learn more about our community projects? Or do you have a passion for a project where we can partner with you? Let us know!

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